More Details: It is usually recommended to have experts to search and file your trademarks (ex attorneys). If someone decides to file a trademark they first need to do a search on the mark to see if it or something similar exists in the categories they want to file in.
The details from the USPTO:
If you are an applicant domiciled in the United States, you are not required to have a U.S.-licensed attorney represent you, but we strongly encourage you to hire one who specializes in trademark law to guide you through the application process.
Hiring someone who cannot represent you at the USPTO could delay review of your application and jeopardize the validity of any resulting registration.
An educational video from the USPTO –
The Tess Trademark Database is controlled by the USPTO ( and can be used by any party. This system gives you the ability of searching under your mark. Make sure you look for any phrasing of the search word(s) or terms.
An Example – Searching under the example name of Gimme Dat

* Searching under the example name of Gimme Dat founded three results with dead filings. If I was comfortable with these results I would then search further (on the web, hire a search firm) and look further into the process.
The Conzumables Team can help with client’s needs for a trademark filing. In your founder’s history his family has been helping inventors with their needs including the filing of trademarks.